Disk Usage parsers
Module for the processing of output from the du
Parsers provided by this module include:
DiskUsageDir - command du -s -k {directory}
- class insights.parsers.du.DiskUsage(context, extra_bad_lines=None)[source]
Reads output of du command and turns it into a dictionary with pathname as key and size in blocks.
Supports parsing input data as long as output is 2 column data with first column as space size with integer values only and second as pathname which can be a file or directory. Space size with decimal values or unit suffixes like M, GiB is not supported.
du command produces output in 1K blocks unless block size is specified in command options or an environment variable. This parser is intended to be used only with default block size of 1K which is also equal to plain “du” or “du -k”.
Sample input data:
56 /var/lib/alternatives 4 /var/lib/logrotate 5492 /var/lib/mlocate 20 /var/lib/NetworkManager 186484 /var/lib/pgsql 856 /var/lib/rhsm 110712 /var/lib/rpm 4 /var/lib/rsyslog 64 /var/lib/systemd 15200 /var/lib/yum
>>> '/var/lib/pgsql' in disk_usage True >>> disk_usage.get('/var/lib/pgsql') 186484 >>> int(disk_usage.get('/var/lib/pgsql') / 1024) # to MiB 182
- Raises:
SkipComponent -- When no data could be parsed.
ParseException -- Raised when any problem parsing the command output.