Foreman and Candlepin logs

Module for parsing the log files in foreman-debug archive


Please refer to its super-class insights.core.LogFileOutput for usage information.

Parsers provided by this module:

CandlepinErrorLog - file sos_commands/foreman/foreman-debug/var/log/candlepin/error.log

CandlepinLog - file /var/log/candlepin/candlepin.log

ProductionLog - file /var/log/foreman/production.log

ProxyLog - file /var/log/foreman-proxy/proxy.log

SatelliteLog - file /var/log/foreman-installer/satellite.log

ForemanSSLAccessLog - file /var/log/httpd/foreman-ssl_access_ssl.log

ForemanSSLErrorLog - file /var/log/httpd/foreman-ssl_error_ssl.log

class insights.parsers.foreman_log.CandlepinErrorLog(context)[source]

Bases: LogFileOutput

Class for parsing candlepin/error.log file.

Sample log contents:

2016-09-07 13:56:49,001 [=, org=] WARN - Exception received while trying to verify hostname
2016-09-07 14:07:33,735 [=, org=] WARN - Exception received while trying to verify hostname
2016-09-07 14:09:55,173 [=, org=] WARN - Exception received while trying to verify hostname
2016-09-07 15:20:33,796 [=, org=] WARN - Exception received while trying to verify hostname
2016-09-07 15:27:34,367 [=, org=] WARN - Exception received while trying to verify hostname
2016-09-07 16:49:24,650 [=, org=] WARN - Exception received while trying to verify hostname
2016-09-07 18:07:53,688 [req=d9dc3cfd-abf7-485e-b1eb-e1e28e4b0f28, org=org_ray] ERROR org.candlepin.sync.Importer - Conflicts occurred during import that were not overridden:
2016-09-07 18:07:53,690 [req=d9dc3cfd-abf7-485e-b1eb-e1e28e4b0f28, org=org_ray] ERROR org.candlepin.sync.Importer - [DISTRIBUTOR_CONFLICT]
2016-09-07 18:07:53,711 [req=d9dc3cfd-abf7-485e-b1eb-e1e28e4b0f28, org=org_ray] ERROR org.candlepin.resource.OwnerResource - Recording import failure org.candlepin.sync.ImportConflictException: Owner has already imported from another subscription management application.


>>> candlepin_log.get('req=d9dc3cfd-abf7-485e-b1eb-e1e28e4b0f28')[0]['raw_message']
'2016-09-07 18:07:53,688 [req=d9dc3cfd-abf7-485e-b1eb-e1e28e4b0f28, org=org_ray] ERROR org.candlepin.sync.Importer - Conflicts occurred during import that were not overridden:'
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> list(candlepin_log.get_after(datetime(2016, 9, 7, 16, 0, 0)))[0]['raw_message']
'2016-09-07 16:49:24,650 [=, org=] WARN - Exception received while trying to verify hostname'
class insights.parsers.foreman_log.CandlepinLog(context)[source]

Bases: LogFileOutput

Class for parsing candlepin/candlepin.log file.

Sample input:

2016-09-09 13:45:52,650 [req=bd5a4284-d280-4fc5-a3d5-fc976b7aa5cc, org=] INFO org.candlepin.common.filter.LoggingFilter - Request: verb=GET, uri=/candlepin/consumers/f7677b4b-c470-4626-86a4-2fdf2546af4b
2016-09-09 13:45:52,784 [req=bd5a4284-d280-4fc5-a3d5-fc976b7aa5cc, org=example_org] INFO  org.candlepin.common.filter.LoggingFilter - Response: status=200, content-type="application/json", time=134
2016-09-09 13:45:52,947 [req=909ca4c5-f24e-4212-8f23-cc754d06ac57, org=] INFO org.candlepin.common.filter.LoggingFilter - Request: verb=GET, uri=/candlepin/consumers/f7677b4b-c470-4626-86a4-2fdf2546af4b/content_overrides
2016-09-09 13:45:52,976 [req=909ca4c5-f24e-4212-8f23-cc754d06ac57, org=] INFO org.candlepin.common.filter.LoggingFilter - Response: status=200, content-type="application/json", time=29
2016-09-09 13:45:53,072 [req=49becd26-5dfe-4d2f-8667-470519230d88, org=] INFO org.candlepin.common.filter.LoggingFilter - Request: verb=GET, uri=/candlepin/consumers/f7677b4b-c470-4626-86a4-2fdf2546af4b/release
2016-09-09 13:45:53,115 [req=49becd26-5dfe-4d2f-8667-470519230d88, org=example_org] INFO  org.candlepin.common.filter.LoggingFilter - Response: status=200, content-type="application/json", time=43

Each line is parsed into a dictionary with the following keys:

  • raw_message(str) - complete log line

  • message(str) - the body of the log

  • timestamp(datetime) - date and time of log as datetime object


>>> cp_log_lines = cp_log.get('candlepin/consumers')
>>> len(cp_log_lines)
>>> cp_log_lines[0].get('raw_message')
'2016-09-09 13:45:52,650 [req=bd5a4284-d280-4fc5-a3d5-fc976b7aa5cc, org=] INFO org.candlepin.common.filter.LoggingFilter - Request: verb=GET, uri=/candlepin/consumers/f7677b4b-c470-4626-86a4-2fdf2546af4b'
>>> cp_log_lines[0].get('message')
'[req=bd5a4284-d280-4fc5-a3d5-fc976b7aa5cc, org=] INFO org.candlepin.common.filter.LoggingFilter - Request: verb=GET, uri=/candlepin/consumers/f7677b4b-c470-4626-86a4-2fdf2546af4b'
>>> cp_log_lines[0].get('timestamp')
datetime.datetime(2016, 9, 9, 13, 45, 52, 650000)
time_format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%f'

The timestamp format assumed for the log files. A subclass can override this for files that have a different timestamp format. This can be:

  • A string in strptime() format.

  • A list of strptime() strings.

  • A dictionary with each item’s value being a strptime() string. This allows the item keys to provide some form of documentation.

  • A None value when there is no timestamp info in the log file

class insights.parsers.foreman_log.ForemanSSLAccessLog(context)[source]

Bases: LogFileOutput

Class for parsing /var/log/httpd/foreman-ssl_access_ssl.log file.

Sample log contents: - [27/Mar/2017:13:34:52 -0400] "GET /rhsm/consumers/385e688f-43ad-41b2-9fc7-593942ddec78 HTTP/1.1" 200 10736 "-" "-" - [27/Mar/2017:13:34:52 -0400] "GET /rhsm/status HTTP/1.1" 200 263 "-" "-" - 8a31cd915917666001591d6fb44602a7 [27/Mar/2017:13:34:52 -0400] "GET /pulp/repos/Acme_Inc/Library/RHEL7_Sat_Cap        sule_Servers/content/dist/rhel/server/7/7Server/x86_64/os/repodata/repomd.xml HTTP/1.1" 200 2018 "-" "urlgrabber/3.10 yum/3.4.3" - [27/Mar/2017:13:34:52 -0400] "GET /rhsm/consumers/4f8a39d0-38b6-4663-8b7e-03368be4d3ab/owner HTTP/1.1" 200 5159 "-" - [27/Mar/2017:13:34:52 -0400] "GET /rhsm/consumers/385e688f-43ad-41b2-9fc7-593942ddec78/compliance HTTP/1.1" 200 5527 - [27/Mar/2017:13:34:52 -0400] "GET /rhsm/consumers/4f8a39d0-38b6-4663-8b7e-03368be4d3ab HTTP/1.1" 200 10695 "-" "-"

Each line is parsed into a dictionary with the following keys:

  • raw_message(str) - complete log line

  • host(str) - remote host’s IP or hostname

  • timestamp(datetime) - date and time of http request, time zone is ignored


>>> foreman_ssl_acess_log.get('consumers/385e688f-43ad-41b2-9fc7-593942ddec78')[0]['raw_message']
' - [27/Mar/2017:13:34:52 -0400] "GET /rhsm/consumers/385e688f-43ad-41b2-9fc7-593942ddec78 HTTP/1.1" 200 10736 "-" "-"'
>>> foreman_ssl_acess_log.get('consumers/385e688f-43ad-41b2-9fc7-593942ddec78')[0]['host']
>>> foreman_ssl_acess_log.get('consumers/385e688f-43ad-41b2-9fc7-593942ddec78')[0]['timestamp']
datetime.datetime(2017, 3, 27, 13, 34, 52)
time_format = '%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S'

The timestamp format assumed for the log files. A subclass can override this for files that have a different timestamp format. This can be:

  • A string in strptime() format.

  • A list of strptime() strings.

  • A dictionary with each item’s value being a strptime() string. This allows the item keys to provide some form of documentation.

  • A None value when there is no timestamp info in the log file

class insights.parsers.foreman_log.ForemanSSLErrorLog(context)[source]

Bases: LogFileOutput

Class for parsing /var/log/httpd/foreman-ssl_error_ssl.log file.


Please refer to its super-class insights.core.LogFileOutput for examples.

Sample log contents:

[Mon Aug 09 10:01:22.548717 2021] [ssl:warn] [pid 5881] [client] AH02227: Failed to set r->user to 'SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN'
[Mon Aug 09 11:02:23.229609 2021] [proxy_http:error] [pid 749] (20014)Internal error: [client] AH01102: error reading status line from remote server yyy
[Mon Aug 09 11:17:52.204503 2021] [proxy_http:error] [pid 5854] (20014)Internal error: [client] AH01102: error reading status line from remote server yyy
time_format = '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S.%f %Y'

The timestamp format assumed for the log files. A subclass can override this for files that have a different timestamp format. This can be:

  • A string in strptime() format.

  • A list of strptime() strings.

  • A dictionary with each item’s value being a strptime() string. This allows the item keys to provide some form of documentation.

  • A None value when there is no timestamp info in the log file

class insights.parsers.foreman_log.ProductionLog(context)[source]

Bases: LogFileOutput

Class for parsing foreman/production.log file.

Each line is parsed into a dictionary with the following keys:

  • raw_message (str) - complete log line

  • message (str) - the body of the log

  • timestamp (datetime) - date and time of log as datetime object

class insights.parsers.foreman_log.ProxyLog(context)[source]

Bases: LogFileOutput

Class for parsing foreman-proxy/proxy.log file.

time_format = {'error': '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f', 'standard': '%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S'}

The timestamp format assumed for the log files. A subclass can override this for files that have a different timestamp format. This can be:

  • A string in strptime() format.

  • A list of strptime() strings.

  • A dictionary with each item’s value being a strptime() string. This allows the item keys to provide some form of documentation.

  • A None value when there is no timestamp info in the log file

class insights.parsers.foreman_log.SatelliteLog(context)[source]

Bases: LogFileOutput

Class for parsing foreman-installer/satellite.log file.